• Dalol or Dallol / Denakil Depression

    A magical place in the Denakil Depression / Afar Triangle

The Great Ethiopian Rift Valley Tours

The Great Ethiopian Rift Valley is part of the Great Rift Valley System that starts from Syria and ends in Mozambique after crossing most of its part in Ethiopia. Here you will experience from the Denakil Depression down to the South till Konso. Along the way, you will see all nine Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes namely Lake Assal, Lake Afdera, Lake Ziway, Lake Abjata, Lake Shala, Lake Langano, Lake Ziway, Lake Abaya, and Lake Chamo along with different activities such as walking on the salt lake, swimming, hiking on the island, boat riding for aquatic birds, hippos and crocodiles, and fish market.


Day 1

Arrival and City Tour of Addis Ababa

Day 2

Fly to Semera and drive to Ertale active volcano (Lava Lake). En route you stop at Lake Afdera.

Day 3

Drive to Hamedela and see sunset on Lake Asale (Salt Lake) and walk in the salt lake.

Day 4

Early Morning depart to Dalol and see sunrise and visit the surrounding sites and drive to Semera.

Day 5

Fly back to Addis and drive to Ziway. Boat trip on the lake and hike on the island monastery and see the museum.

Day 6

Drive to visit Abjata-Shalla National Park with the view point of the two Lakes, Abjata and Shala. Then overnight at Lake Langano.

Day 7

Drive to Yirgalem and visit the Sidama Village around Aregash Eco-Lodge and drive to Hawassa.

Day 8

Drive to Arbaminch. En route visit the Dorze Village with a great view of Lake Abaya.

Day 9

Boat Trip on Lake Chamo and Excursion to Konso Village.

Day 10

Fly back to Addis and evening departure after a farewell dinner.